Our Ongoing Studies

Asymmetric Walking Protocol for Optimal Post-ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation

Have you undergone ACL reconstruction surgery? Do you want to correct your gait?

Study Details: Participate in a research study conducted at the University of Connecticut’s Human Performance Laboratory in Gampel Pavilion to investigate how purposeful asymmetric walking could help restore healthy gait dynamics in post-ACL reconstruction individuals. Participants will perform two 2-hour asymmetric walking sessions a month apart to determine the optimal magnitude of the asymmetric walking between-limb gait speed difference.

Participants: Individuals who have undergone ACL reconstruction are encouraged to participate. Participants must be between 18 and 30 years old, are currently not suffering from any injuries, and can and/or have been cleared to walk for extended periods of time.

Payment Amount: $125.00

For More Information Contact: Kristin Morgan (Kristin.2.morgan@uconn.edu)

IRB #: H21-0176

dotted graph with people walking

Scientific Investigation of Motor Learning to Improve Gait Rehabilitation in Individuals with Neuromuscular Dysfunction

Have you suffered from a stroke? Do you want to correct your gait?

Study Details: Participate in a research study to conduct at the University of Connecticut’s Human Performance Laboratory in Gampel Pavilion to investigate how purposeful asymmetric walking could help restore healthy gait dynamics post-stroke. Participants will perform two asymmetric walking sessions a week for 4-weeks to restore healthy gait dynamics.

Participants: Individuals who have suffered from a single unilateral stroke at least 6 months prior are encouraged to participate. Participants must be between 35 and 60 years old, are currently not suffering from any injuries, and can and/or have been cleared to walk for extended periods of time.

Payment Amount: $125.00

For More Information Contact: Kristin Morgan (Kristin.2.morgan@uconn.edu)

IRB #: H22-0006